E-böcker / Romantik
Lockande leende
Lockande leende För att komma undan ett påtvingat äktenskap flyr Tara Michaels från shejkdömet Dhalkur till grannlandet Nahrat där hon hamnar mitt i shejk Raifs storslagna palats. ...
Kärlek i Toscana / Roomservice
Kärlek i Toscana Miljardären Trace Jackson ser sig själv som en problemlösare. På samma vis som han reder ut konflikter mellan anställda, ska kan få ordning på sina egna trassliga ...
Blunda och dröm
Den mest spännande presenten är den utan omslagspapper … Chloe lutade sig över tårtan där de tjugofem ljusen fladdrade. Vad skulle hon önska sig? Hon tittade upp och mötte Ril ...
Hon var så ensam. Det var väl därför hon med en gång gick med på allt han föreslog. Ville hon följa med hem och se hans tavlor (han var konstnär)? Ja. Ville hon ligga med honom? Ok ...
Vänd dig inte om - BDSM erotik
Klara sitter på kaféet med ryggen mot ingången och det pirrar i kroppen av förväntan. Hon väntar på den mystiska mannen som hon har pratat med; hon har följt varenda en av hans ins ...
Rosalinds resa
Eskapistisk romance-serie om tre systrar som börjar söka sina rötter...Rosalind, Olivia och Eve är döttrarna till den vackra och omtalade skådespelerskan Jillian Croft, och hennes ...
Island for Sale
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea capta ...
Two Little Soldiers
Jean and Luc are two best friends serving in the army. Life as a soldier is unforgiving, but every Sunday provides a ray of hope for the two soldiers as they walk down the Seine ri ...
What was Really the Matter with Andrew
Matilda cannot wait for her husband to be away so she can invite Captain Sommerive into her house and heart. But as their love affair grows more passionate, Matilda begins to see t ...
War and Peace IV
Moscow is lost, occupied by Napoleon's French hordes. Is Russia lost? Is all lost? Students of history will already know the answer. But whether or not you do, Leo Tolstoy's 'War a ...
War and Peace III
The third quarter of 'War and Peace' is where the rubber really hits the road (or the cannonballs hit the walls). The story centres on one of history's most famous periods, Napoleo ...
War and Peace II
Have you taken a deep breath after the drama and conflict of volume one? It's time to dive into 'War and Peace II' - and it does not slow down. With Russia bruised by Napoleon's vi ...
War and Peace I
'I'm not looking for 'War and Peace'" is a modern way of saying 'keep it short'. However, 'I am looking for 'War and Peace'' should be on our lips. Leo Tolstoy's masterpiece is a c ...
An Old Man's Love
Published posthumously in 1884, An Old Man’s Love was Anthony Trollope’s last completed work. A classic tale of romance and rivalry, it follows the intertwining stories of young or ...
My Lady's Money
Ok, nobody wants to lose pund500 – but is it big enough of a deal to deserve a short story? To put it into context: a Victorian pund500 was about pund60,000 in today’s money. So, y ...
Jezebel's Daughter
If you’ve seen "The Sixth Sense" with Bruce Willis, you’ll be familiar with Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome: deliberately making a person feel unwell in order to care for them. In "Je ...
No Name
Dr Phil didn’t invent family drama. This Victorian novel might as well be given the Dr Phil caption of "I found out my parents weren’t married, and my cousin won’t give me my inher ...
Poor Miss Finch
What is "poor" about Miss Finch? Well, with a novel with names like "Mr Sebright" (he’s an eye specialist – "see bright", geddit?), it’s all about sight. You see, Lucilla Finch has ...
Man and Wife
Imagine as a woman losing all your property to your husband. Sadly, such was the law for much of the Victorian times. Wilkie Collins’s novel "The Woman in White" (starring Charles ...
The Power of Attraction - Lesbian Erotica
When Mal decides to end her five-year relationship with Anna, she feels it is a new beginning. However, time passes, and the excitement turns to sadness. She tries to convince hers ...
Flying high – Erotic Short Story
Julia – is moving overseas to live with her friend. A new job in sunny Florida is to be her ticket to a better life. Unexpectedly, while already traveling by plane, her life begins ...
Evening Walk – Roleplay Erotica
Rape role-play erotica. Celina is confident and knows exactly what she wants. She has a great sex life with her boyfriend who always enjoys fulfilling her fantasies. This time, how ...
Peach Delight – Lesbian Erotica
'You quickly leave one kiss on my chin and then kiss my neck long and passionately. I tilt my head so that you have better access to it. I close my eyes, focusing on the sensations ...
Geography Teacher – Erotic Short Story
A teacher and a student. An adult man and a young woman on the verge of maturity. While their first meeting is uneventful, everything changes during a class trip. She wants him, bu ...
Secret Santa – Erotic Christmas Story
Ula is a 30-year-old unemployed divorcee. When she meets Jan, her former lover, many of her problems are solved – he becomes her new boss, but he does not limit himself to giving o ...