E-böcker / Dramatik

Based on a story from the Bible, ‘Salomé’ provoked such outrage that it was banned from the British stage for a number of years. However, fiercely defended by academics for its lit ...

Crimson Purple
"How tightly can you close your eyes?" Crimson Purple is a unique take on a story with supernatural and cruel elements, playing itself out in a parallel Tokyo. We get to follow th ...

Som barn såg han sin mor och mormor mördas av två bröder. Söner till traktens storbonde. Han flydde ut i skogen och växte upp där med ett enda mål, att komma tillbaka och hämnas.

The Playboy of the Western World
On a quiet autumn evening, the inhabitants of Flaherty’s ramshackle pub are interrupted by the arrival of Christy Mahon, a fugitive claiming to have murdered his father. Enamoured ...

The Duchess of Padua
‘The Duchess of Padua’ is a five-act play, originally written for American actress, Mary Anderson (best known for her role in ‘Gone with the Wind’). With themes of murder, suicide, ...

Vera; or, The Nihilists
While Wilde might be better known for acidic and satirical comedies, such as ‘The Importance of being Earnest,’ and ‘Lay Windemere’s Fan,’ his first outing as a playwright was in t ...

Ruy Blas
The play "Ruy Blas" explores the life of an ordinary poet and servant, Ruy Blas, who has secretly fallen in love with the Queen of Spain. His master plots revenge against the unfit ...

Scorn of Women
A tale of literal and proverbial gold diggers.Not the incel manifesto you might expect, 'Scorn of Women' is one of Jack London's rare attempts at playwriting, being a three-act ada ...

The Clouds
‘The Clouds’ is a comedic attack on the qualities of virtue and excellence, as espoused by Sophist philosophers. The central figure, Strepsiades, enrols his dissolute son, Pheidipp ...

Pericles, Prince of Tyre
You know that thing when you have an incestuous relationship with your daughter, but you don’t want anyone to know about it, so you disguise the truth in a riddle and make her suit ...

'To be, or not to be, that is the question.'If you’ll only ever read one Shakespeare play, let it be Hamlet. It tells the story of the young Prince of Denmark whose father visits h ...

Ninas flykt
”… En tullare vid färjeterminalen vinkar in lastbilen. Vad har ni i lasten? frågar han föraren. Chauffören ger tullaren några papper. Är du vänlig och stiger ur, uppmanar tullaren. ...

The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train."Jack Worthing is an important and respected person in Hertfordshire. Being a gu ...

For Love of the King
Imagine being torn away from the person you love most in the world! The pain would be just too terrible to bear! This is exactly what happens to Shah Mah Phru after she falls passi ...

En månad på landet
När den vackra och uttråkade godsägarinnan Natalja Petrovna förälskar sig i sin sons unge lärare inser hon snart att hon har en rival i sin protegé Vera. Kan det vara en lösning at ...

Lasse & Lenin -En bok om Lasse Diding som hotellägare, kommunist, alkoholist, samlare, miljonär, boknörd, varbergsbo, frankofil, kubafrälst, retsticka och klosterägare
Lasse Diding är världens mest omskrivna Varbergsbo. Hotellägare med Lenin som varumärke, kommunist, mångmiljonär, initiativtagare till Jan Myrdalsällskapet, känd från filmen I vänt ...

Hapatus-niminen mies ja hänen poikansa Nisse ovat saaneet maanmainion idean. He aikovat valmistaa ikiliikkujan! Vaan onko ikiliikkujan tekeminen mahdollista? Asiaa epäilee ainakin ...

La gema de Cubagua
En la ciudad cubana de Holguín, Ana Isidora descubre, la víspera de su cincuenta cumpleaños, una insólita noticia en un antiguo ejemplar de un diario nacional. Todo parece indicar ...

Henry VIII
‘Henry VIII’ is a highly entertaining historical play by William Shakespeare that dramatizes court intrigues and personal vendettas between the King’s advisors. King Henry starts t ...

Much Ado About Nothing
‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It is an absorbing romantic comedy as two couples find themselves in farcical situations as lies are spread and ...

The Taming of the Shrew
We all know what it’s like to be in love, but when love is placed within the context of anxieties, desires and beliefs, will it survive?The sisters Bianca and Katherine might be as ...

Richard II
This is the historical play on King Richard’s life and how he died, tracing his fall from power. As a young man, Richard rises to the throne, although quickly proven to make poor d ...

Measure for Measure
In this brilliant play by William Shakespeare, meet Vincentio, the Duke of Vienna. Setting out for a diplomatic mission, he must leave the city and puts Angelo, the strict judge in ...

All's Well That Ends Well
Helena is an orphaned daughter who has fallen madly in love with the arrogant Bertram. Helena is allowed to go to court and try her hand at curing the King's illness. Although othe ...

En kvinna utan betydenhet
En välbevarad hemlighet, skandalös i sin natur, hotar att köra en kil mellan Mrs Arbuthnot och hennes son Gerald. Det är på en tillställning hos Lady Hunstanton som allting plötsli ...