Ljudböcker / Historiska faksimil

That Affair at Elizabeth
Published in 1907 ‘That Affair at Elizabeth’ is a detective novel set in turn of the century New York City. When bride-to-be Marcia disappears just hours before her wedding, friend ...

The Holladay Case
The life of a law clerk at a New York firm is hectic. It can only be made more so by the addition of a murder trial. Alongside his job at Graham & Royce, Lester has a front-row sea ...

The Storm
"The Storm" (1704) is a founding document of modern journalism. It tells of the events of November 1703, when a hurricane struck Britain. It is composed of verbatim eyewitness acco ...

Queen Lucia
"Queen Lucia" (1920) is the first volume of E. F. Benson’s "Mapp and Lucia" 6-novel series. It is a comedy of manners, set in provincial Riseholme (Lincolnshire). Emmeline Lucas ru ...

Bunner Sisters
‘Bunner Sisters’ explores the lives of the impoverished class in 1870s New York. Sisters Ann Eliza and Evelina run a small shop out of a shabby basement on a side street. Despite t ...

The Custom of the Country
The Custom of the Country (1913) is a scathing critique of American upward mobility, as told through the journey of overindulged Undine Spragg. She moves from Apex City to New York ...

The House of Mirth
Witty socialite Lily Bart has expensive tastes. Unfortunately, she does not have the social status to match. So far she has managed to get by on ‘old money’ and has become accustom ...

"Laddie" is Gene Stratton-Porter’s most autobiographical novel, and is titled after her brother, who drowned as a teenager. It is the story of Pamela Pryor and Laddie Stranton. Whi ...

Moths of the Limberlost
Gene Stratton-Porter was a naturalist and fierce conservationist as well as an author, and one of the areas she held dearest was the Limberlost swamp. Indeed, she spent her income ...

The Harvester
"The Harvester" is a gentle love story, made up of a fondness for nature, high moral ideals and an engaging plot. It is the story of young David Langston, who lives in the countrys ...

In the Year of the Jubilee
The Jubilee marks the fiftieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria. Dickensian in its sweeping scope of London life, Gissing’s "In the Year of the Jubilee" (1834) depicts the hars ...

Manon Lescaut
Manon Lescaut är en berättelse om förtärande kärlek som får ödesdigra konsekvenser. Romanen utspelar sig i 1700-talets Frankrike där den unge adelsmannen Chevalier des Grieux blir ...

The Black Benedicts
When Mallory become the governess of Raife Benedict’s niece, she sets off for the beautiful Morven Grance, Raife’s house on the Welsh borderland. Her life becomes inextricably link ...

White Rose of Love
Steve traveled to Portugal to be with her brother and found a culture entirely different from her own – for better and for worse. When she encountered the handsome Dom Manoel, she ...

Hotel Stardust
When Commander Roger Merlin offers to buy Eve’s inheritance, Treloan Manor in Georgia, the answer is strictly no. She has not even set eyes of the place yet, and she has different ...

Robinson Crusoe
"Robinson Crusoe" is Daniel Defoe’s best and most popular novel. It is structured like an autobiography of the main character, depicting his castaway adventures on a lonely island ...

Pathway of Roses
Janie Dallas looked exactly like the singer Vanessa Brandt. When Vanessa asked her to impersonate her for a week, there is one thing that tempts her: the company of Vanessa’s close ...

Madame Bovary
När den alldaglige Charles Bovary lydde sin mors råd och gifte sig med änkan Héloïse Dubuc, var det med hennes påstådda förmögenhet i åtanke. Först efteråt stod det klart att några ...

Dear Tiberius
Lucy Nolan was charged with taking care of the invalid daughter of the cold and distant Sir John, whom Lucy names Tiberius. She is very fond of the daughter, Miranda, and thus Lucy ...

Sweet Barbary
Catherine should have known better when she met the exciting David Barrington that he was trouble. He was handsome and rich and made her visit to Morocco all the more thrilling. Ye ...

Gul iris och andra mysterier
Hercule Poirot är en av världens mest berömda detektiver. Kanske är det just därför det är han som får det mystiska telefonsamtalet där han, som på ett silverfat, serveras flera av ...

Kuolleet sielut
Kollegineuvos Tshitshikow kiertää 1800-luvun venäläistä maaseutua erikoisella asialla. Hän nimittäin pyrkii ostamaan maanomistajilta 'kuolleita sieluja', eli henkikirjoihin jääneit ...

Gårdarna runt sjön
Ett liv börjar, och ett annat slutar. När lilla Diana föds dör hennes mor, Margareta. Hennes far, Jan Gustav Stjärnudd, drabbas hårt av sin unga frus bortgång. Bedrövad strövar han ...

B. J. Harrison Reads Shadowed by Death
From the books that inspired the new Netflix series "Lupin" with Omar Sy.At Chateau de Maupertuis, death shadows Lady Jeanne Darcieux, as she escapes more than one attempted murder ...

Elli rakastaa kauppiaana työskentelevää miestään Hermania. Hän on hyvä isä pariskunnan kahdelle lapselle ja kova tekemään töitä. Välillä Elli kuitenkin pelkää, että jokin uhkaa hei ...