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Din sökning Harry Seeley gav inklusive filtrering 38 träffar

Omslagsbild för Dragons of the Air

Dragons of the Air

Dragons of the Air - An Account of Extinct Flying Reptiles, is a non-fiction popular book on flying dinosaurs, the Pterosaurs, by Harry Seeley. Harry G. Seeley was a student of law ...

Omslagsbild för Världens konstigaste författare, jag lovar! - om Harry Stephen Keeler

Världens konstigaste författare, jag lovar! - om Harry Stephen Keeler

Harry Stephen Keeler (1890-1967) var en populär amerikansk deckarförfattare, som utmanade sina läsare med osannolikt komplicerade intriger, benhårt logiska, men ändå komplett vansi ...

Omslagsbild för Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

Step into the glittering and deceitful world of early 19th-century English society in this sprawling novel. Following the lives of Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley, the two women navi ...

Omslagsbild för Frankenstein


Botched, banished, and broken, Victor Frankenstein’s creature is rejected by all mankind.But what happens when man decides to give life – and take responsibility- for a new being? ...

Omslagsbild för The Black Arrow

The Black Arrow

Richard Shelton is a young man, whose father has been ruthlessly killed. While Shelton seeks justice, he also rescues his love, Joanna Sedley, from the hands of her wicked warden. ...

Omslagsbild för Morganin tarina / Ei kaupan

Morganin tarina / Ei kaupan

Morganin tarinaKymmenen vuotta sitten Morgan Steele oli mennyt salaa naimisiin River Atkinsonin kanssa - ja tullut petetyksi. Nyt River on palannut maisemiin, ja hän joutuu tekemää ...

Omslagsbild för Operation Plunder

Operation Plunder

By late March 1945, Second British Army and Ninth US Army were poised to carry out an assault crossing of the Rhine. In the British part of the operations, Montgomery’s best assau ...

Omslagsbild för The Well-Beloved

The Well-Beloved

Jocelyn Pierston wants above all to find the ideal woman, but perfection is elusive as ever. A masterful sculptor, he starts to grow obsessed with the idea of capturing beauty in s ...

Omslagsbild för Northworld Pyrrus and Kerk 5

Northworld Pyrrus and Kerk 5

The space adventurers Pyrrus and Kerk decide to liberate their fellow colony members, who have seemingly been kidnapped to the dangerous ice planet Northworld. The underground soci ...

Omslagsbild för Black Sam

Black Sam

The War of Spanish Succession is over, many sailors are out of work, and the thriving American colonies are quickly becoming the place of opportunity. For Sam Bellamy it is the opp ...

Omslagsbild för Euphrasia


A snowstorm delays four friends on their journey from Brighton to Lewes. While they wait for the storm to clear, Harry Valency tells his friends about his adventures as a soldier d ...

Omslagsbild för Ebony and Scarlet

Ebony and Scarlet

The nineteenth century saw the British army engaged in a series of conflicts around the globe. In almost every continent the redcoats of British soldiers seemed to be in perpetual ...

Omslagsbild för SEO för alla  - en snabbkurs i sökmotoroptimering för dig som vill ranka högt på Google

SEO för alla - en snabbkurs i sökmotoroptimering för dig som vill ranka högt på Google

SEO för alla – en snabbkurs i sökmotoroptimering för dig som vill ranka högt på Google Vill du ha mer trafik från Google, varje dag, utan att det kostar pengar? Då ska du satsa på ...

Omslagsbild för Rambles in Germany and Italy

Rambles in Germany and Italy

What wonderful places there are to see and experience in Italy and Germany. The architecture, the food and the people. How lovely to share all this with the person you love the mos ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads Transformation

B. J. Harrison Reads Transformation

Guido il Cortese is a young man who inherits a fortune from his father. He is about to marry Juliet, the daughter of one of his father’s friends. Before the wedding was to take pla ...

Omslagsbild för The Parvenue

The Parvenue

When Fanny is 17 years old, a house fire nearly kills her entire family and destroys their home. Lord Reginald Desborough saves her from the flames and the couple marry, but her fa ...

Omslagsbild för The Elder Son

The Elder Son

When Ellen’s parents die, she inherits a pund50,000 fortune and goes to live with her uncle. While there, she falls for one of her two cousins and they secretly marry. However, Ell ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Classic Tales Podcast, Season One

B. J. Harrison Reads The Classic Tales Podcast, Season One

The first season focuses on the short story tradition, and B. J. Harrison has selected some of the most prominent representatives of the genre. As far as the thematic aspect is con ...

Omslagsbild för The Castle of Otranto

The Castle of Otranto

Medievalism, terror, and the ubiquitous haunted castle are staples of the Gothic horror genre. But the man who unwittingly inspired the likes of ´Frankenstein´, ´Dracula´, Hammer h ...

Omslagsbild för ADELE: To 30 And Beyond

ADELE: To 30 And Beyond

120 million records sold. The world’s biggest selling album of the twenty-first century. Countless awards and accolades. Adele has captured the hearts of millions and this intimate ...

Omslagsbild för Onkel Toms Hütte

Onkel Toms Hütte

Onkel Toms Hütte (engl. Uncle Tom’s Cabin) ist ein 1852 veröffentlichter Roman von Harriet Beecher Stowe, der das Schicksal einer Reihe afroamerikanischer Sklaven und ihrer Eigentü ...

Omslagsbild för Onkel Toms Hütte

Onkel Toms Hütte

Onkel Toms Hütte (engl. Uncle Tom’s Cabin) ist ein 1852 veröffentlichter Roman von Harriet Beecher Stowe, der das Schicksal einer Reihe afroamerikanischer Sklaven und ihrer Eigentü ...

Omslagsbild för A Girl Called Flotsam

A Girl Called Flotsam

'Do you have a name for her?' she asked.He shook his head. 'You've decided it's a girl?'She looked at the skull and thought of it washing backwards and forwards in the dirty water ...

Omslagsbild för Pride and Prejudice (Premium)

Pride and Prejudice (Premium)

Rediscover one of the greatest love stories of all time with this new audio edition of Pride and Prejudice, masterfully narrated by actress Adjoa Andoh ('Bridgerton', 'Doctor Who') ...

Omslagsbild för The Moonstone

The Moonstone

A giant diamond stolen from India; a rakish rogue; a naive teenager and a drug-fueled scandal.These are the leading parts that combine to make one of the greatest detective novels ...