To Sell Your Body – And Call It Survival
They say everything is a matter of choice. That we all have opportunities, that we can all choose a path away from the darkness. But what do they know about darkness?
I chose nothing. I was born into a hell where love was conditional, where betrayal was the standard, and where money was the only real power. I watched my father crush my mother, I saw lies and manipulation shape my childhood. I learned that you either own or are owned.
When you are a young trans girl in Stockholm and no one protects you, when society turns its back on you, when you were never taught that value means anything other than cash – then the body becomes currency. Then you sell your soul, piece by piece, just to survive another day. To pay for hormones, to numb the shame, to anesthetize what burns inside you.
To sell your body and call it survival. To let hundreds, thousands, touch something that was never theirs to take. To stare at yourself in the mirror and know that you are no longer a human being, just a tranny for sale.
And what happens when the world is no longer satisfied with just buying you? When it demands more, when debts grow faster than you can count?
What happens when you realize there is no longer a way out?
I am Allison. And I know the answer.
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