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Omslagsbild för The Dunwich Horror
Isbn: 978-91-8108-446-7
Förlag: Modernista
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2025


The Dunwich Horror

In the remote hills of Dunwich, a sinister presence lurks. When the grotesque and unnaturally fast-growing Wilbur Whateley seeks access to the forbidden tomes of Miskatonic University, scholars begin to suspect something is terribly wrong. But Wilbur is only a harbinger of a far greater terror—an ancient, unseen horror that threatens to consume everything in its path.

H.P. LOVECRAFT [1890-1937], born in Providence, Rhode Island, was an American writer known for his horror, fantasy, and science fiction stories. Both of Lovecraft's parents suffered from mental illness, which greatly influenced his youth. He began writing at an early age but had a limited readership during his lifetime. Today, Lovecraft is regarded as an icon of popular culture and is considered one of the most influential and innovative horror writers of the 20th century, often compared to Edgar Allan Poe.

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