Förlag: Joelsgården Förlag
Deckare & spänning
Tillgänglig sedan: september 2023
Uppläsare: Roger Weeks
Length: 9 timmar 21 minuter
The Drowned
In the frozen Swedish wilderness, a former detective is brought face to face with his demons. Opening up the wounds of a 15-year-old case, can he unmask a killer before it's too late? <br/>When suspended kriminalkommissarie Gustav Kjällström discovers a girl lying half dead in the snow outside his cabin in the woods, little does he know he's about to get dragged back into his former life as a Sala detective… and right back into the case that made his name: the Lady in the Lake killings. <br/> As more bodies are discovered, Gustav realises these new deaths share key similarities with the crimes perpetrated by his nemesis Arvid Öberg, some fifteen years earlier. <br/>But Öberg is still supposed to be under lock and key in the ultra-secure psychiatric facility in Sala, home to some of Sweden’s most notorious and evil killers. So, who is carrying out these drownings? <br/>And can Gustav stop them before they reach their end game – and take from him everything he holds dear …
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