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Omslagsbild för Morning Relaxation to Begin Your Perfect Day
Isbn: 978-28-2110-317-7
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Medicin & hälsa
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2022
Uppläsare: Katie Haigh
Length: 1 timme 28 minuter


Morning Relaxation to Begin Your Perfect Day

Mornings set the whole day's beat: it is up to you to seize the opportunity of living a more relaxed and enjoyable life. This series of exercices are designed to take part in your personal morning routine, one or more at a time, as healthy habits to shape your way to success. Increase your self-esteem, become more relaxed and playful, learn mindfulness and improve your visualization skills through a journey of the senses, gain focus and presence through your whole day with proven and efficient techniques that will lead you to a more enlightened life.

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