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Biblioteket meddelar: Välkommen till Biblio Library
Omslagsbild för Charles Cundall (1890-1971)
Isbn: 978-09-9308-843-8
Förlag: Liss Llewellyn Fine Art
Konst, musik, teater, film
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2021


Charles Cundall (1890-1971)

The first book to appear on the 20th century British artist Charles Cundall, this publication examines aspects of Cundall work done at home in England, abroad - Cundall made numerous painting trips to the continent, but also to the United States - and during the war. Well illustrated, the book also includes a chronology and a reproduction of a text by William Gaunt dating from the 1960s and commissioned for a book on Cundall that never came to be.

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