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Omslagsbild för Breeding Happy and Healthy Chihuahuas
Isbn: 978-95-2318-711-5
Förlag: Books on Demand
Tillgänglig sedan: oktober 2017


Breeding Happy and Healthy Chihuahuas

Do you want to learn more from the Chihuahua breed? Do you have a problem with your Chihuahua? Do you need practical training tips for a pack of Chihuahuas? Are you planning to breed Chihuahuas or are you already a Chihuahua breeder? This book offers essential knowledge for all Chihuahua fanciers, owners and breeders. A Chihuahua breeder with 30 years of experience is sharing her knowledge about Chihuahuas. The book includes practical, proven training methods for Chihuahuas as well as essential knowledge for successful breeding programs, with solutions to common problems in breeding.

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